2011. július 28., csütörtök
Starting over
I think it's time to clear up my everything, and that includes internet stuff. So, I'm about to make a new blog with a new e-mail. I think a period has come to an end in my life. Kinda the anime period. It doesn't mean I will never do anything connected to anime, it's just I'm not that interested anymore. I find it funny that when I was in the middle of this, I thought it would never change or end. I was wrong.
Shortly I will post my new blog's link here. I hope that those who watched this blog will also watch the new.
Shortly I will post my new blog's link here. I hope that those who watched this blog will also watch the new.
2011. július 9., szombat
Hmmm I forgot to mention my dream in the previous entry, so, new one!
What I really wanted to say was I had a dream in which I was Harry Potter. It was the final battle part, and Voldemort was chasing me all around a castle... and my wand broke! I was running up and down, ans finally I stole Bellatrix's and Fenrir's wand and spelled Stuppor on them. But their wands were like rubber... Weird. There were Ron, Hermione and the twins to help me. I ran up to the first floor chased by Voldy, but it was actually like the tenth floor, so when I wanted to jump down from a balcon, I had to stop. But Voldy locked the the door... no escape. But I held him down and opened it. Then I was waiting for the part when I have to die. Then I died, I guess.
And my last dream:
I was at a camp, I think, and shared a room with a transgender girl. Then came Tomo Milicevic asking me for help to find Shannon and Jared. So we all and a little boy went out walking, and out of nowhere came a horse. I rid it still looking for the Letos. Then suddenly got an idea to try what it's like jumping with horse. It was reall awesome! When I finished it was night and Tomo made a campfire, and we talked about horseback-riding and going to the beach.
Funny, it was one of those really rare dreams in which I'm not chased, and I don't die.
Yayz for random gif!
2011. július 8., péntek
Into the wild
I'm back from my class' round-lake-Balaton tour. I really enjoyed it, it was awesome cycling that much, I didn't expect that. We were cycling 3-4 hours a day I guess, I felt so free, and I had time to think...about everything. Well, usually my thoughts were around one certain person, but I guess it's okay. Nowadys I'm looking for that kind of freedom, so I go cycling as much as I can, but it's really hot outside, I barely can do it for more than one hour. Also we went swimming. I dodn't really like it in the lake... and wearing swimmingsuit... It was a real camp as it is. Mosquitos, laughing, crying, love, hate, music, accidents, being lost. It was one of the best - if not the best - camps with class.
(Gonna upload pics on picasa, but my computer and op. system has been refreshed, so there's almost nothing usable)
Two days after I got home from camp, Lilla came here for 5 days. 5 days seem long but it really was short time. We were a lot at Westend playing with Xbox Kinect, went to the cinema and to the amusement park. It was the second time in my life I was there, and now I could try things that I'd not been able before. For example Skyflyer was my favourite, an I loved the Castle too. and the T-rex... that was... deathly. xD With Lilla, we sounded like Chewbacca... And after we survived everything, Lilla proposed to me! That was romantic in the sunset in the middle of Heroes' Square. Oh yeah, and watch Simon's Cat! We loved th
e videos! And found it on the ground:

When I took this photo, I was at Astoria to recieve my passport with my visa, and my ticket for my travel to Beijing! I'm really excited about it. I've been out of Europe only once at Canary Islands but I can remember nothing, and this will be my first travel to Asia! I leaving in a week with my classmate, Minka, and 8 other hungarian students, and we'll be 170 at Beijing, because from 17 countries (including countries from America and Asia) are the students coming from, 10-10 from each one.
Still, I need to make my little show for the farewell night there. I think I'll play this on the piano:
I think this is the only folk song I can honestly say I like. Maybe because grandma and mother used to sing this for me when I was little.
So I'm off now on, I don't think I'll write any entry before China, so see ya when I come back!
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